söndag 12 augusti 2012

Wettergrens 1946

Wettergrens var ett konfektionsföretag från och i Göteborg (med tillverkning även i Jönköping). Det grundades av änkan Eva Wettergren 1936. Hon sålde textilier och hantverksvaror och rörelsen kom under slutet av 1800-talet att inrikta sig på framför allt kappsömnad.  1946 firade man jubileum av flera viktiga händelser, inte bara grundandet utan även  t ex bolagsbildandet (1896) och gjorde därför en jubileumsskrift som trycktes 1947 och heter "Spegelbilder". Den skildrar dels företagets, dels modets historia från 1836. Den mest intressanta delen för mig är dock den sista, där det nuvarande (dvs 1946) företaget skildras i ljusa toner med många bilder. Bilderna är både från fabriken vid Stigberget och dotterbolaget Dress på Gamlestadsvägen. Det finns fler, men jag delar upp det i flera inlägg för storlekens skull.

These are photo from the Gothenburg based clothing company Wettergrens in 1946. They show the prodcution, but also other activities connected to their factories, which mainly made women's coats and dresses. There's more , but I divide them into several posts due to the size.

Showing that they only chose the best fabrics.

Designing and choosing the models; with inspiration from Paris, London and New York.

A skilled pattern maker makes patterns from the designers' sketches.

The factory at Stigberget, sewing coats.

The cutter uses an electrical saw to cut out many pieces (I remember my dad doing this in the 1970s) and all seamstresses specializes in one detail, which makes them experts on that particular moment and makes sure that the quality is high and even on every part.

The collection is shown to a customer. Emplyees enjoying the sun on the roof terrace during breaks.

Canteen and kitchen which serve almost 1000 people every day.

Some people like to smoke during their breaks so a smoking room is situated next to the roof terrace, where coffee and soft drinks are also sold.

New employees go through a 4 year long education, including practice in the different departments. During this period they are paid accordign to the current agreement between the unions and the ready-to-wear industry.
The fur department is nowadays (1946) large, making both collars and ecorations and women's furs.

Det kommer mera senare!
More later!

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