More photos from the Wettergren sewing factories from 1946.
A stimulating break from work in the form of exercise on the roof terrace, led by a female P.E instructor.
The interest in sport also shows in the factory's sport club which has hand ball, badminton, cycling, swimming, skiing and track on its programme.
There's a factory nurse who mainly deals with accidents at work.
The running of such a large company takes a lot of adminstration. On the planning board the usage of materials and the prodcution in the different workshops can be tracked.
This photo is from the main office.
The prizes of the manufactured clothes are calculated here.
The advertisign department not only organizes advertising campagins, but also prints the staff's newsletter, brochures and other small print.
These photos are from the subsidiary company "Dress". The cut fabric is packed with the notions needed and travels through a tube system from the cutting room to the sewing room. The seamstresses sit along a conveyor belt which transport the garment from seamstress to seamstress as they have finished their detail. This was very modern at the time (and I remember the same system from the 70s when my mother worked in a sewing factory).
The quality control is strict and all garments are tried on a live model.
Som jag skrev på engelska under en av bilderna minns jag transportbanden från sömmerska till sömmerska från när min mamma jobbade på Aspens på 70-talet. Wettergrens påstående om hur modernt systemet var 1946 verkar nog stämma; om det fortfarande användes 30 år senare menar jag.
Större delen av min familj är från Borås och mamma har berättat att i Borås på 60/70-talet var det bara de större/billigare klädfirmorna som använde löpande bandet och att ingen ville jobba där, eftersom de körde det så hårt att sömmerskorna svimmade och kräkres av stress och överarbete. Algots var visst speciellt illa.