These photos are from the kindergarden at the "Dress" factory.
The factory building of the subsidiiary "Dress".
At the main factory the employees can buy a wide range of goods at reduced prices and the products from the company are sold at cost price.
The employees can also have their shoes mended at cost price (remember that this was a time of serious shortages of many things in Europe). You can also have your nylons stockings mended for a low cost.
A female HR sconsultant gives advice on economic and social topics to the employees. She also manages the company's library where the emplyees can borrow both fiction and non-fiction.
Several mail boxes wher the emplyees can put suggestiosn for improvement are found in teh factory and good suggestions are rewarded.
There's a wood working workshop with modern tools for all the carpentry that's needed in the factory, including this "universal machine".
Mycket liv och lust hos Wettergrens!
SvaraRaderaUndrar om det fortfarande finns företag som har egen butik med reducerade priser? När jag jobbade på LM Ericsson fanns det en, som hette Grottan och när jag började på Bankgirot fanns det också en vars namn försvunnit i glömskans dalar
Ja sån't undrar man ju, men jag skulle inte tro det.