The theme for this challenge was "under it all". I had first planned to make my pink panties from last week my contribution, but I wasn't sure if the pattern would arrive in time. So I made another medieval shift, which is much needed since at least two of my old ones are getting close to the state where repair isn't possible. I use those quite a lot.
Modellen kan väl beskrivas som standardsärk med rektangulär konstruktion, men jag piffade till den lite med en v-ringning som man hittar både i den franska handskrift från mitten av 1200-talet som går under namnet Maciejowskibibeln och på en bevarad skjorta som tillhört Ludvig den helige; också det 1200-tal.
The model is a sort of standard rectangular construction shift, but I spiffed it up with a v-neck opening, which can be found both in the mid-13th century French manuscript called the Maciejowski Bible and on the preserved shirt of St. Louis of France, also from the 13th century
St Ludvigs skjorta
St Louis' shirt
Band runt halsen på insidan tycket jag var käckt och tog ett fint grönt kypertvävt hellinneband (från Sjuntorps fabrik minsann).
Ärmarna är vidare nedtill än vad som verkar ha varit vanligt vid tiden, men det är en följd av att alla delar är antingen fyrkanter eller trianglar och jag orkar inte ta upp dem nu - handsömmar med vaxad lintråd, som därtill är fällda till en sida och nedkastade är jobbigt att ta upp.
The sleeves are wider at the cuffs than usually seen on images from the 13th century, but it's a consequence of all pieces being either rectangles or triangles and I don't have the energy to unpick them right now - hand sewn seams with waxed linen thread, which also are felled and sewn down, are a pain to unpick.
The Challenge: #4 Under it all
Fabric: Linen
Notions: linen thread, beeswax, linen ribbon
Pattern: no
Year: ca 1250
How historically accurate is it? Apart from the materials being machine woven and possibly the sleeves, pretty accurate. It is after all hand sewn with the right kind of thread and bronze needle! 95 % maybe?
Hours to complete: I guess ten
First worn: Not yet, I'm guessing Double Wars, an SCA event in the end of May.
Total cost: I had thread and wax, but the fabric cost ca 30 dollars.
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