Orsaken till att jag åkte till England var, som jag skrev i förra inlägget, en konferens som hölls i Coventry. Nu har jag lagt upp min presentation på academia.edu, så om ni vill kan ni läsa den här.
The reason that I went to England was, as I wrote in my previous post, a conference which was held in Coventry. Now I have uploaded my paper to academia.edu, so if you want to you can read it here.
Katedralerna i Coventry, den medeltida som bombades och brann under kriget och den nya som byggdes efter kriget och sitter ihop med den gamla.
The cathedrals in Coventry. The mediaeval one which was bombed and burned during WWII and the new one which was built after the war and is attached to the old one.
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